Ubuntu 8.10 beta approaching

Steve Langasek steve.langasek at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 24 08:47:33 BST 2008

The Ubuntu 8.10 beta release is approaching, scheduled for October 2nd
(https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule). Please refer to the
milestone overview in Launchpad for a list of remaining items:


If you have bugs on this list, please fix them at the earliest possible
opportunity, or (in consultation with other developers and the Ubuntu QA
team) un-milestone them if they are not required for beta. If you have
bugs you think should be on this list, talk with the Ubuntu QA team or the
Ubuntu release team about having them milestoned.

Please also do not lose sight of the list of bugs affecting the release as a


The beta freeze will begin tomorrow, September 25th; after that point
uploads will require approval from the release team, which will generally
only be granted if they fix beta-critical bugs. The toolchain freeze begins
now; toolchain changes require approval from the release team.

Over the next few days, please pay attention to eliminating
inconsistencies in the archive, including:

    uninstallable packages in main and restricted

    undeclared Replaces or Conflicts (contact Michael Vogt about false
    positives or if you need help)

Archive administrators should spend time ensuring that any pending
main<->universe component changes have been processed
(http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt). If
you are waiting for something on this list, please help out by filing
good main inclusion reports.

Steve Langasek
On behalf of the Ubuntu release team

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