Team TODO pages

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Thu Nov 29 10:05:33 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

I just set up and used
'CategoryTeamTODOPage' on and

If your team has a public TODO page, make sure to use the tage on it. If
you DON'T have a TODO page, be sure to create one. Also make
      * it's up to date
      * easily understandable
      * lists easy tasks

There's a lot of new contributors asking what they can do to help out.
If you don't share your TODO lists, it's your own fault if you have to
do your work all alone. :-)

A page worth looking at is - it
includes which has a
neat table overview over what's going on. The color code is derived from
the release schedule page

## ||<rowbgcolor="#CCFFCC"> This task is done || somebody || ||
## ||<rowbgcolor="#FFFFCC"> This task is assigned || somebody || <status> ||
## ||<rowbgcolor="#FFEBBB"> This task isn't || ... || ||
## ||<rowbgcolor="#FFCCCC"> This task is blocked on something || somebody || <explanation> ||

With editmoin it's very easy to add new tasks to the bottom by
having a small script like this one:

daniel at bert:~$ cat bin/desktopteam-add 
echo "||<rowbgcolor=\"#FFEBBB\"> $1 ||  || ||" | EDITOR="cat >>" editmoin
daniel at bert:~$ 

The MOTU TODO pages use a different concept derived from the Hug Day Bug
Lists, if you look at you'll
notice that the tool hugdaylist (in the ubuntu-dev-tools package) was
used to set it up. Calling

hugdaylist -n 15 ""

will give you a nice wiki list of 15 bitesize tasks that don't have
patches attached yet.

I added notes about how to organise the team at

Let me know how it works out for you.

Have a nice day,

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