Confirmation of the MOTU Council

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at
Thu Feb 1 12:13:12 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

as discussed in the last TB meeting and the spec [1], the TB nominated 5
members of the MOTU Council, namely

      * Andrew Mitchell (ajmitch)
      * Daniel T Chen (crimsun)
      * Daniel Holbach (dholbach)
      * Gauvain Pocentek (gpocentek)
      * Stefan Potyra (sistpoty)

It was further decided, that the members will have a term length of two
years. crimsun and gpocentek will start off with a (renewable) one year
term length, to get some rolling across the term lengths going.

I'd like all members of the ubuntu-dev team to take a bit of time to
vote for the nominees and confirm the TB's nomination [2]. The voting
will start at 2007-02-02 01:00:00 CET and run until Feb 15th. You will
have to vote five times (once for each nominee) and a majority will
clinch the deal.


Thanks for your time. Have a nice day,

PS: Please disregard the '---: ---' option on

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