Announcing the ubuntu-directory team

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Sat Oct 28 01:07:34 BST 2006

Do you pine for a good old days of Active Directory? Does WSUS make
your heart throb? Miss these things on Ubuntu? We do and so we have
decided to do something about it. Thus I would like announce the
creation of the ubuntu-directory team.

What is our mission, you ask?
We aim to make Ubuntu rock, both as a client of directory services and
as a server of the same.

Who are we?
A group of people with extensive experience with AD and other similar
technologies, including Jerry Haltom, Andrew Forgue, Jorge Castro and
myself.Things like DFS, deploying printers, domain controller
replication, DNS, joining clients to a domain, Windows Server Update
Services, Group Policy Objects, and scripting Windows.

So what are you working on?
Lots of things. Here is the quick skinny:

Easy connection of clients to an LDAP server (including AD)
(still under heavy review and rewriting)

An easy LDAP server

An update server

Is that all your are working on?
Far from it. Here are some more:

Where do we find you?
On Launchpad, of course:

On freenode:

On our mailing lists

What can I do to help?
We need help polishing up our specs.  We need code monkeys. Lots of
them. Those that speak C and Python are most appreciated.

Lets make feisty rock in the enterprise space!


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