Call for help with Dapper localisation
Dafydd Harries
daf at
Wed Mar 15 12:29:20 GMT 2006
A major goal for Dapper is to improve Ubuntu's language support, particularly
for those languages with complex display and input requirements like Korean,
Japanese and Chinese in all its variants. In order to bring this about, a
dedicated team is working on localisation issues in London this week. However,
we need community input to get things right, which is where you come in.
We have a framework in place, and need some specific information for each
language. If you use Ubuntu in a language that needs some configuration to
get right, we would REALLY appreciate it if you would help us make sure we
have it perfect for Dapper. In particular, experience with Fontconfig is
The goal is to get things working out of the box: if, for example, you select
Korean in the installer, the correct fonts and input methods should work
without additional configuration. We need reports of cases where this doesn't
currently happen. Ideally these will be confirmed with recent Dapper
You can help us by documenting the setup required for displaying and inputting
your language on the Ubuntu wiki at this page:
You can also join us on the #ubuntu-l10n IRC channel.
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