New feature in Blueprint: wiki notifications

Bjorn Tillenius bjorn.tillenius at
Wed Apr 19 16:21:05 BST 2006


A new feature in Launchpad's specification tracker Blueprint [1] has been
enabled; wiki page notifications. If you are subscribed to a
specification in Blueprint, or is the registrant, drafter, assignee or
approver, you will get notified whenever the specification's wiki page
gets modified. The notification generated by Moin will be simply
forwarded to you, so if you wonder why you get such notifications
without having subscribed in the wiki, this is why.


This feature is enabled only for the Launchpad and Ubuntu wikis so far.
If you have specifications in some other wiki, all you have to do is to
make sure that the wiki notifications are sent to
notifications at Only Moin wikis are supported so far,
but other wikis might work as well. If you need any help, please ask the
Launchpad team on #launchpad or send an email to
launchpad-users at



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