Xubuntu Flight 6

Jani Monoses jani.monoses at gmail.com
Tue Apr 4 19:28:27 BST 2006

Hello all,

The first Xubuntu CD images based on Ubuntu Dapper Flight 6 are available.

In addition to the standard Ubuntu base system, the CD contains the
applications that make up the Xubuntu desktop: up-to-date versions of
Xfce 4.3, Thunar, Firefox, Gaim, Gdm, Abiword, Gimp, Gqview, Synaptic
and more.

This is still work in progress and there are a few known issues:

- more applications are planned to be added to the default install
- the artwork is temporary and needs more consistency and polish
- the default desktop settings are not final either

For now there are only install CD images but live CDs should follow shortly.

While they have no showstopper bugs these images are still alpha
quality, so do not use them on your production systems as we do ;)




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