Reminder: Dapper Dev Status Meeting 8 December 2005 - 02:00UTC

jane janew at
Wed Dec 7 08:56:49 GMT 2005

The next Dapper Development Update meeting is scheduled for tomorrow;
Thursday 8 December at 02:00UTC in #ubuntu-meeting. (+- 17 hours from

* If you were listed to have a follow-up meeting, please contact the
person/s concerned and arrange that this happen.

* Kindly check your Priorities, Statuses, Estimated Developer Days and
Expectation of Delivery in LP to ensure that they are correct and up to

* If you have not yet done so, please complete the Expectation of
Delivery (in Target to Release) and Estimated Developer Days (in Change
Status). I am producing a project plan from these, and your goals will
be defaulted to one day if no further estimate is given.

* All specs not yet marked as Approved, have been flagged as behind
schedule, please try to get them through to Approved asap, to set them
back to green.

* Blocked goals have also been flagged as yellow, to indicate that they
have an issue, which needs to be resolved.

* Please ensure that any outstanding MERGES have been completed this


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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