I've noticed a whole bunch of open bugs that complain about application windows & dialog boxes that do not fit (or scale down to) some resolution. I've been toying with the idea of cleaning some of these up. before I can devise a proper strategy, however, I have a few questions about Ubuntu's minimum supported resolution.<br>
<br>According to <a href="https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements">https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements</a>:<br><br>Desktop bare minimum = 640x480<br>Desktop recommended = 1024x768<br>
<br>Netbook Remix bare minimum = [not listed]<br>Netbook Remix recommended = 800x600<br><br>This information is not entirely clear to me. In my opinion "bare minimum" system requirements mean that Ubuntu's operation will be non-optimal but still functional. If an application window or dialog does not properly fit in the bare minimum resolution then, in my opinion, this application or dialog is not functional because a user will only be able to properly interact with the program though the use of clever and non-obvious workarounds. However, I've seen multiple dialogs that do not properly fit in 640x480 resolution. This leads me to the following questions:<br>
<br>If Ubuntu Desktop has dialogs that do not properly fit in 1024x768 then certainly this must be a bug. Correct?<br>Ubuntu Desktop has dialogs that do not properly fit in 640x480. Is this okay or should it be considered a bug?<br>
If Netbook Remix has dialogs that do not properly fit in 800x600 then this certainly must be a bug as well. Correct?<br><br>If the publicly stated "minimum supported resolution" is 640x480 then shouldn't we either<br>
a) Ensure that all of the programs that we officially support in Ubuntu can operate correctly in 640x480?<br>b) Raise the publicly stated "minimum supported resolution"?<br>c) Maybe consider doing both? :)<br><br>
The same questions apply to Netbook Remix. However, Netbook Remix currently has no minimum supported resolution listed. Should we:<br>a) Assume 800x600 to be the minimum supported resolution?<br>b) Officially assign a minimum supported resolution?<br>
<br>Thanks for your time. :)<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>- Jason J. Herne (<a href="mailto:hernejj@gmail.com">hernejj@gmail.com</a>)<br>