Cosmic mutter version and budgie desktop

David Mohammed davidmohammed at
Wed Aug 8 16:47:05 UTC 2018

think we have just crossed paths!

I've just pushed a new version of budgie-desktop to cosmic in the last
hour that includes your changes Iain.

This includes a bunch of upstream changes.  The debian package has had
to be changed quite a bit to accommodate the changes - and a tweak to
ensure "caffeine" users coming from 18.04 don't crash and burn during
the upgrade since the new budgie installs the same icons into the same
folder locations.

On Wed, 8 Aug 2018 at 17:42, Iain Lane <laney at> wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 06, 2018 at 12:27:15PM +0100, Iain Lane wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 05, 2018 at 02:30:49PM +0100, David Mohammed wrote:
> > > So Ubuntu Budgie has a major issue here.  I have been plugging away looking
> > > at this but really the areas involved aren't in my area of expertise  ....
> > > mutter and the in depth relationships with the budgie stack.  I will
> > > continue to look at the vala coding changes but am not really confident on
> > > writing a timely solution for 18.10 beta.
> > >
> > > Any thoughts on the way forward? I don't know  if it is feasible to have a
> > > short term 18.10 version of mutter based upon the 18.04 mutter libraries
> > > specifically for budgie with gnome shell using the gnome 3.30 mutter
> > > version at the same time in the repo. Kludge I know.
> >
> > Thanks for raising this.
> >
> > I'm having a look at what changes are required to port this to mutter-3.
> > It's going to be mainly that MetaScreen was removed, but you should
> > still be able to do everything you could do before.
> I've uploaded my initial port¹ to Cosmic now. I realise this is a little
> bit of a forward thing to do, since the code has some known bugs, and I
> apologise for any irritation that you feel / have to face from users.
> Hopefully you understand that we need to get moving on testing GNOME
> 3.29, and you agree there's enough time left this cycle to shake out
> bugs or work on another strategy for keeping budgie rocking on.
> Cheers,
> --
> Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
> Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
> Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]
> ¹
> --
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