Missing indicators in 17.10 beta

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Fri Sep 29 22:38:28 UTC 2017

I'm sure I read that 17.10 with the Ubuntu'ified Gnome was going to have indicators (at the top right) much like Unity. I've just upgraded a desktop to the beta and found no sign of them. Sadly my Google Fu has not managed to find anything about how they are implemented so I can fix the problem rather than sort something out that does the same thing, but isn't actually stock Ubuntu. Is anyone running the beta successfully and able to tell me how they are setup?

I know there's an extension to do this, so I could just install the Gnome Tweak tool and implement something from there, but I'd far rather find the actual problem. I also don't have the proper Gnome implementation that hides them away at the bottom left - who hides an indicator? I'm glad car manufacturers don't do that ;-)

Of course this could be down to an upgrade (from 17.04) that didn't actually work as well as it seemed. The Dash to Dock performs very badly, requiring wiggling of the mouse over the top or bottom of the dock to get it to scroll (thankfully the mouse wheel works). I've also yet to work out what the grid of dots does at the bottom of the dock, it claims to 'show application', but which ones I have no idea as nothing actually happens when you click it. The icons also seem quite small (20px by the looks of it, with massive gaps around them - puts me in the mind of the Oric 1 keyboard if anyone is of my era and remembers those - so much space between the keys it was easier to miss them that hit them!).

If I can work out what is going wrong I can report a bug with some useful info; there's no point reporting that it doesn't work if I don't even know which package isn't working!

 Paul Tansom  |  Aptanet Ltd.  |  https://www.aptanet.com/  |  023 9238 0001
 Vice Chair, FSB Portsmouth & SE Hampshire Branch  |  http://www.fsb.org.uk/
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