mozc support in the default ISO

Mitsuya Shibata mty.shibata at
Thu Sep 28 17:25:15 UTC 2017

Hi Gunnar,

2017-09-25 0:24 GMT+09:00 Gunnar Hjalmarsson <gunnarhj at>:
> On 2017-09-24 10:19, Mitsuya Shibata wrote:
>> Could this be automatically done by ubiquity and language-selector as
>> like language-pack?
> Yes, that's how it would reasonably be done if it's decided to drop it from
> 'live'.

Thanks for your information. If mozc-utils-gui will be dropped from live,
I will try it.

# The daily-live already dropped fcitx and added ibus-mozc.
# But it seems that there is mozc-utils-gui on ISO.
Mitsuya Shibata
mty.shibata at

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