mozc support in the default ISO

Gunnar Hjalmarsson gunnarhj at
Sat Oct 21 02:23:26 UTC 2017

On 2017-10-21 02:44, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> gnome-desktop 3.27.1 was released today and changed GNOME's default
> Japanese input method from ibus-anthy to ibus-kkc.
> The GNOME bug is interesting since it originally requested switching
> to ibus-mozc (Ubuntu's current default) but eventually they
> preferred to use kkc because it has GTK+ tools:
> I guess we need to patch gnome-desktop if Ubuntu decides to use
> different default input methods for certain languages.

What significance does the default input source have on GNOME? Are we 
affected atm? I'm asking because my understanding is that this is 
determined in Ubuntu by the installer and language-selector (pkg_depends).

May be worth mentioning the history, btw:

14.04 - ibus-anthy
16.04 - fcitx-mozc
17.10 - ibus-mozc

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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