sync gnome-user-share?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Nov 6 08:50:43 UTC 2017

Hey Jeremy,

Thanks for those discussions

Le 06/11/2017 à 03:51, Jeremy Bicha a écrit :
> In Ubuntu 17.04 (Unity), open the Public folder in your home
> directory. Click the Preferences button in the infobar. This is the
> GUI from gnome-user-share. It provides Bluetooth receiving support and
> the ability to share files on the network using webdav. Except we
> don't install the webdav support by default so the option is grayed
> out with a message that the required packages aren't installed without
> saying what packages are missing or a button to click to install them.
Right, that's not a very good experience...

>  But there would be no way to configure
> gnome-user-share from the Unity desktop. 
Well, we said our focus would be to do what is right for the default
desktop and lower technical debt, which means not olding back on updates
only because of Unity. That feature is also not essential, I would say
it's fine to update and add that to the list on

> gnome-user-share is now in universe because I dropped the recommends
> on it from gnome-control-center.
Why did you go this way before waiting for the conclusion of the discussion?

>  The webdav feature requires
> apache2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd. The Apache binary is so minimal
> it can't actually run a web server. libapache2-mod-dnssd is a small
> library that would need a MIR.
> I would like to see gnome-user-share installed by default because
> otherwise the Settings > Sharing panel is very empty.

Right, I think we should either install what is needed to make it work
out of the box or change gnome-control-center to list the entry when
gnome-user-share is missing and install the needed packages on demand.
The best option is probably to pre-install if security/MIR teams are
fine with that.

Sebastien Bacher

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