Weekly newsletter 14th July 2017

Omer Akram om26er at ubuntu.com
Sun Jul 30 12:33:59 UTC 2017

On Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 12:33 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at ubuntu.com>
> Le 14/07/2017 à 18:42, Omer Akram a écrit :
>> Can you update on the HiDPI scaling progress? that kind of hinders me
>> to test 17.10.
> You can read some details on
> The work might land in 3.26 but that's neither done nor we have that
> version in Ubuntu yet.

Are we not going to backport those changes to what we will ship in 17.10 ?
> Marco might have some more details to share, Ccing him

Marco, what's the best option for me today to use Gnome shell and not have
everything too big or too small ?

>> Also is Wayland coming for 17.10 (or even 18.04) ? as I read in news
>> about blockers in that path.
> Wayland is available as an option under the login screen session
> selector, you can try it today (if you are not using the nvidia binary
> drivers)

Wayland has been available in other distros as well, everyone knows that it
works on Intel GPUs. My question was inspired by this article[1]
​, specifically this quote "​
 “My gut feeling is that Wayland isn’t ready yet,” says Ubuntu Desktop team
lead Will Cooke

​Being able to test it is one thing, relying on it and using it on a
production system is another.​


> Cheers,
> Sebastien Bacher
> --
> ubuntu-desktop mailing list
> ubuntu-desktop at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-desktop
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