Ubuntu Desktop default apps Wiki page

Jean-Baptiste Lallement jean-baptiste.lallement at canonical.com
Tue Aug 8 06:33:56 UTC 2017

Hi Robert,

Le 08/08/2017 à 06:02, Robert Ancell a écrit :
> Hi all,
> One thing that came out of discussions at GUADEC was a request that
> Ubuntu ship the core GNOME apps. We've also had a few discussions
> recently on this list about including some of these.
> I proposed that we should make a list of the reasons that we ship / do
> not ship certain apps so it would be clear to everyone why this is the
> case (and perhaps indicate any features that would make us change our
> minds). Here it is:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DefaultApps
Thanks for making this list. In the criteria you mention "They are good 
quality apps" I think this criteria should be more detailed and the 
upstream QA process documented and linked. I propose to add the 
following information:
  - There is a reliable test suite executed at least for every release.
  - Description of the coverage of the test suite(s) (unit, functional, 
API, ...)
  - The tests are executed at build time on all the arch we support and 
if not a rationale is provided to explain why some arch are excluded.
  - autopkgtest are enabled and executed on Ubuntu releases against the 
actual binary packages.
  - The test plan is documented.


Jean-Baptiste Lallement
Canonical Services Ltd.
IRC: jibel

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