Restricted extra/addons

Will Cooke will.cooke at
Wed Aug 2 11:28:22 UTC 2017

On 1 August 2017 at 17:18, Bryan Quigley <bryan.quigley at>

> Proposals (all just affect being in the metapackages, not in
> archives).  I'm envisioning ending the -extras package.
> Flash - remove

+1 for 18.04.  It will be dead before the end of the LTS period so I think
that makes good sense.

> gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp3 - hoping we can provide MP3 support by
> default soon like Fedora just did (right?).  Still on track for 18.04
> or can that be pushed up?

I've been talking to our legal team and the opinon is that it's not quite
as clear cut as it would appear.  18.04 should be fine to drop it, but
17.10 we should keep it.

> unrar - remove
One of the biggest uses is with comic books, but apparently that can
> be done for free these days -
> view-adobe-illustrator-cbr-files
> I also don't expect the use of unrar to be anywhere near the tasks the
> other packages enables.

No objections here.

> libavcodec-extra  - remove or move to -addons
> no preference, doesn't seem like size is the issue

I think leave it as it is and once we have a clearer idea of what will be
needed per Daniel's reply we can do those updates at the same time.

> ttf-mscorefonts-installer - promote to -addons


Cheers, Will
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