Proposal: (No?) email client for Ubuntu 17.10

Jeremy Bicha jbicha at
Wed Apr 19 12:17:10 UTC 2017

On Wed, Apr 19, 2017 at 4:26 AM, Will Cooke <will.cooke at> wrote:
> In my opinion we should ship a mail client by default.

One more argument: Windows 7 was released in 2009 without a
pre-installed email app.

> How about considering Nylas mail?
> The free version is open source and it has an active team behind it.

Nylas is popular in general, yet it's a bit controversial in the open
source community. I downloaded it to test it but I couldn't run the
app without first setting up a account (or equivalent). By
default, Nylas syncs your email to their servers. You can run your own
clone of the service on your own server if you want to do all the work
of configuring it securely. [1]

1. Nylas is an Electron app not integrated with GNOME.
2. It uses the legacy system tray (nothing in Ubuntu GNOME's default
install uses that).
3. Nylas is not packaged in Debian or Ubuntu and there hasn't been
much interest in doing so yet.



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