Firefox/NPAPI/Flash discussion for UDS

Chad Miller chad.miller at
Mon Oct 19 13:25:54 UTC 2015

The HAL "dependencies", of which we speak, is an optional DRM test that
most people don't see in regular use. The disk reported by HAL is tested to
avoid playing some stuff into some obviously-named recording device. Every
Flash Player from Adobe would use it, not just the NPAPI one. If you don't
implement it, you don't get DRM-wrapped resources.

- chad

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 9:12 AM, Marco Trevisan <
marco.trevisan at> wrote:

> Il 12/10/2015 21:39, Bryan Quigley ha scritto:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Mozilla has announced their plan to drop NPAPI support for everything
> > but Flash at the end of 2016[1].  That got me thinking that we might
> > have to drop it sooner than that for 16.04 LTS [2] - which is what
> > happened fro Chromium for 14.04 LTS.   Flash (NPAPI Linux) is also
> > possibly going EOL for Firefox in February 2017 which might be good to
> > talk about again as well.
> Although Flash is not my beloved platform at all, I understand that
> there's still lot of people using Ubuntu depending on that.
> So, one strategy to allow Firefox to load a more updated NPAPI flash
> plugin (that has not a planned EOL), would be to use freshplayerplugin¹.
> I'm using that for long time, and it's working really well (indeed much
> better than the stock one), while it should not depend on Hal.
> [1]
> --
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> ubuntu-desktop at
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