Using pinentry-gnome3 (gpg-agent) instead of gnome-keyring's gpg agent

Iain Lane laney at
Fri Jul 3 12:35:03 UTC 2015

Hi desktop fans,

gnome-keyring's GPG agent is incomplete and incompatible with
gpg2[0][1]. gnupg upstream don't recommend it is used.

In Debian and (gnupg) upstream a new "GNOME 3" pinentry (agent
passphrase prompter) program has been developed and packaged. I've just
packaged these for Ubuntu and uploaded to a PPA for testing. I'd
appreciate some testing and feedback before a potential upload next
week. It's in ppa:ubuntu-desktop/gpg for wily. You'll need to restart
your session to get the real gpg-agent used instead of gnome-keyring's
hijacked agent.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]

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