Call for testing: GTK 3.15.4

Iain Lane laney at
Thu Feb 12 13:02:35 UTC 2015


On Fri, Feb 06, 2015 at 05:22:35PM +0000, Iain Lane wrote:
> Desktop fans,
> We're thinking about having the released version of GTK3 in 15.04 be
> 3.16, which is the current in-development version to be released towards
> the end of March.

Jus' coming back on this. Thanks to those who tested - it made us aware
of problems that we didn't know about before. We discussed this switch
at the desktop team meeting on Tuesday[0] and the consesnsus amongst
those there is that the issues outweigh the benefits of switching, so
for now we prefer to stick with what we have for 15.04.

Since we now know about a lot of issues, some of us on the team will
work on them when we have down time throughout the rest of the cycle, to
allow us to switch ASAP once wubbly whinoceros opens.


Iain Lane                                  [ iain at ]
Debian Developer                                   [ laney at ]
Ubuntu Developer                                   [ laney at ]

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