GTK 3.12 coming to Utopic?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Mon Sep 1 14:35:23 UTC 2014

Le 01/09/2014 15:35, Adam Dingle a écrit :
> Sebastien, there's been no update here from Marco or anyone else.

Right, I didn't get replies from Marco either. Cc-ing Stephen, who is
leading the unity7 team, he might be able to give us a status update on
those changes

> So I guess the interesting question now is this: what will happen in
> Utopic+1?  Will these applications stay at 3.10, move to 3.12 (or
> 3.14?), or will something else happen?  Obviously you may not know
> yet, but we'd be happy to hear more here once you know anything.  cheers -

Indeed, that's a concern. We are currently happy enough with our
"outdated versions" since they are mostly working without issues. The
updates main features are the UI redesigns that we don't especially
want. We still need to resolve that solution in a sustainable way, but I
don't know what that is yet...

Sebastien Bacher

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