Staying on GTK/GNOME 3.8 next cycle/for the LTS?

Adam Dingle adam at
Tue Oct 1 19:55:32 UTC 2013

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 3:39 PM, Marc Deslauriers 
<marc.deslauriers at> wrote:
> On 13-10-01 03:16 PM, Adam Dingle wrote:
>>  I've used Ubuntu every day for 7 years and am active in the GNOME 
>> community.
>>   The fact that Ubuntu lags one release behind GNOME is already a 
>> significant
>>  burden for me.  I often spend time building the newest version of 
>> GNOME apps,
>>  which can be challenging since Ubuntu's libraries lag behind.
>>  If Ubuntu stays with 3.8 for Saucy+1 (i.e. starts to lag two 
>> releases behind
>>  GNOME), I'd quite possibly switch to Fedora or Debian.  Staying 
>> with 3.8 could
>>  be fine for most users, especially if Canonical wants to focus most 
>> of its
>>  energy on phones and tablets.  But for anyone who wants to use the 
>> latest GNOME
>>  apps and especially anyone who wants to contribute to GNOME 
>> development, two
>>  releases back is just too much.
> Isn't there a GNOME PPA that has the latest version in it? That would 
> probably
> be exactly what you need. Even one version behing isn't great for 
> GNOME development.
Yes, there is the GNOME 3 PPA 
( and now also the 

1. These PPAs still lag behind.  For example, I've been on Ubuntu Saucy 
for months now, but until recently only GTK 3.8 was available in the 
PPAs, preventing me from easily running newer GNOME apps which required 
3.9.x.  WebKit 2.x was also not available for a long time.

2. These PPAs are less stable than the daily build.  For example, just 
last night I was trying to figure out why the Ubuntu Online Accounts 
control panel wouldn't show up for me, and eventually I found the 
problem vanished when I purged the GNOME 3 PPA.

For these reasons, it would be a lot more convenient for me if the 
actual Ubuntu daily build tracked the latest GNOME or was one release 
behind at most.

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