Global menubar in default apps (was: Epiphany 3.10 landed sans title bar)

Denis Washington denisw at
Mon Dec 23 11:50:10 UTC 2013

Am 23.12.2013 12:38, schrieb Dmitry Shachnev:
> After all these issues are resolved, we can stop patching apps to
> remove headerbar usage. (For the apps in the default install, we want
> consistency and useful global menu, so we will continue using old UI
> there).

Regarding global menubar in default apps, I have recently written a 
patch for Evince which adds back a global menu to Evince. The menu is 
not exactly as in 3.6, but is slightly updated to reflect the subtly 
different organization of the current app menus.

I would be happy if this patch could be reviewed. If there is interest, 
I could try to write similar patches for others of the default apps in 
the future.

Denis Washington

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