Automatic GUI Testing on Ubuntu

Nicholas Skaggs nicholas.skaggs at
Tue Oct 30 15:37:11 UTC 2012

On 10/30/2012 04:30 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
> On 10/27/2012 11:40 PM, Ma Xiaojun wrote:
>> I guess a very basis of automatic GUI testing is the ability to get 
>> texts of a particular window through a script / program.
>> As I used Windows previously, I'd say I miss GetWindowText function 
>> and Spy++ utility somehow.
>> I noticed a tool called Dogtail, which seems to be the right tool 
>> for my need.
>> However, "python-dogtail" package in Ubuntu repository is 
>> ridiculously outdated; it is not upgraded since 8.04:
>> It doesn't even start on 12.04.
>> It is a package from Debian. It doesn't surprise me that much since 
>> Debian develops few, if any, real GUI apps.
>> Ubuntu is different in a sense that Ubuntu develops Unity, Software 
>> Center, Ubuntu One, ... in addition to package whatever upstream offers.
>> I wonder, does Ubuntu developer have better tools I don't know or 
>> they simply don't bother to do automatic testing.
> Have a look at xpresser and autopilot. These tools are both used to do 
> automaty ed testing along with testing frameworks like UTAH. If your 
> interested in doing testing within ubuntu, I'd encourage you to come 
> check us out on the ubuntu quality team:
> Nicholas
My apologies; the links in question:
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