[Desktop13.04-Topic] - Request for Topics

Jason Warner jason.warner at canonical.com
Mon Oct 22 02:16:51 UTC 2012

Hi Everyone -

UDS is fast approaching. If there any other topics out there people want to
get in, now is the time!


On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:44 AM, Jason Warner <jason.warner at canonical.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is the call for discussion about Ubuntu desktop planning for the
> 12.10 cycle. Here's the process I'd like to use.
> 1. Send a call for topics from the Ubuntu desktop community (this is it)
> 2. Have an exchange over email on the ubuntu-desktop
> channel/mailing list to discuss the requirements in depth.
> 3. Produce a resulting UDS plan which summarizes the topics going
> into UDS, and feeds into blueprints
> 4. Provide a final roadmap post-UDS
> Here is the schedule with some details.
> = Today:  Request for Topics =
> This email is the request for topics. Please send topics that you would
> like the Ubuntu desktop team to consider for this cycle to the
> **ubuntu-desktop** mailing list [1] with "[Desktop13.04-Topic]" in the
> subject
> line. These are not specific requirements, but high-level ideas or
> concepts.
> Though we will want hear about all of your needs, while compiling
> requirements, it may be useful to keep in mind that some requirements
> are easier for us to fulfil than others, e.g.
>  * Choice of specific versions of upstream packages or applications
>  * Choice of specific applications to deliver by default
>  * Getting packages into Universe or Main
>  * Writing modest glue code to enable new scenarios or to integrate
> functionality from different packages
>  * Moving code that you already wrote or are going to write into the distro
>  * Integrating patches from upstream bug trackers or similar
>  * Enhancing projects for which we are upstream (LightDM/Unity Greeter,
> Upstart, Ubiquity, etc....)
> = Now through Oct 22nd - Requirements discussions held =
> We will discuss topics in the ubuntu-desktop irc channel and mailing list.
> The goal will be to identify and document specific requirements.
> = Oct 22nd - UDS - Topics Review =
> The week before UDS we will present a plan. This is essentially a review
> of what topics we have planned for further discussion at UDS in the form of
> approved blueprints.
> = Oct 29th - Nov 1st - UDS =
> = Approximately two weeks post UDS - 13.04 Plan Review =
> About two weeks after UDS, we will revise the UDS 13.04 Plan to
> capture what was actually decided as the plan of record at UDS, and
> present that information.
> Thanks all.
> -Jason
> [1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-desktop
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