Trying to reduce our memory and battery footprint

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Tue Oct 16 21:38:59 UTC 2012

On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 07:06:53AM EST, Ted Gould wrote:
> So then can we really early (right now) rearrange the desktop startup to
> start upstart when then start dbus and gnome-session?  That would give
> us the ability to start migrating jobs over to being upstart user jobs
> over time without having to do all at once (like we have done with SysV
> Init jobs in system startup).  I'm sure when we do this at first it'll
> cause some regressions with things like a11y, but if we start early we
> can fix them by release time.

If using GTK3 apps, a11y is brought up by Dbus activation from within libatk-bridge, which GTK now depends on. In other words, a11y as of GNOME 3.6 is now always on. There is still a .desktop file in /etc/xdg/autostart, but moving forward this is likely not to be needed, at least by GNOME/GTK2.


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