Fwd:Ubuntu, please don't waste time on upgrading your flashy & silly themes, desktop-effects!

Manish Sinha manishsinha at ubuntu.com
Mon Feb 13 18:49:50 UTC 2012

On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Life Monad <lifemonad at gmail.com> wrote:
> But when I see Unity,I am confused. Did I need test my program on Unity?
> These desktop env have different API &UX. Programs can't do a good
> seamless integration with desktop env(also file managers such as Nautilus .
> Konqueror).

Every desktop environment has some differences. Many share common
APIs. What actually is your point. You should not expect a KDE
application to run as smoothly in Unity/GNOME as it runs in KDE. Some
integration might be missing.

> Hn...Ha... Why not  GNOME X.X? Great Unification.

I like GNOME shell, but again it is personal choice. Use whatever you want

> Ubuntu,Please listen to us. The voice from users!

I never voted you to be the voice of users. Please speak for yourself.

Office suit has changed only once and there is a genuine reason.
Window buttons has changed only once. You want a dumb theme? Why drop
Unity? Just because you don't like it? Many users like Unity. They
just use it with satisfaction without spamming the Internet on how
much they like Unity (unlike Unity haters)

> Now,I choose Xubuntu,  never Unity

I am happy you found your choice of desktop in the Ubuntu family. I found mine.

There is an extremely loud vocal minority which hates Unity, due to
which many people fall in a delusion that everyone hates Unity. You
want to know what is the problem with any Ubuntu discussion these
days?  People can't just talk about anything these days without facing
the Unity hater crowd. Look at this.

I know you are tired. You need rest while the Ubuntu developers are
listening to their users and striking a fine balance between
"satisfying everyone's personal pet wish" and "developing the desktop
which can be used by the majority".

The best solution is not just blindly listening to users and doing
what they ask for. Sometimes you need to say a firm NO and do what
actually is good for everyone rather than listen to someone and
fulfill his pet wish. You must have heard this quote from Henry Ford:
--> If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said "a
faster horse".


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