Remove unnecessary objects from the indicators (mainly messages indicator)

Petko pditchev at
Sun Feb 12 12:17:46 UTC 2012

On 02/12/2012 01:07 PM, Thomas Prost wrote:
> Am Montag, den 06.02.2012, 14:32 +0200 schrieb Petko:
>> On 02/05/2012 04:56 PM, Jo-Erlend Schinstad wrote:
>>> On 05. feb. 2012 15:05, Petko wrote:
>>>> And for Ubuntu One - I'm pretty sure its place isn't in the Messages
>>>> menu .
>>> Category indicator menus are for actionable indications that belongs
>>> to a category. When I send you an invitation, it is not just a
>>> notification that something is happening. You need to respond to the
>>> invitation in order to make use of it. But such an invitation is also
>>> a message, which means it is an actionable indication raised by the
>>> message you receive from another user. For that reason, it does belong
>>> in the message menu.
>>> The type of invitation I'm talking about, is when someone shares a
>>> folder with you. You can then accept and sync the folder or not.
>>> Jo-Erlend Schinstad
>> Fair enough :)
> ... sorry - but: What version was that all about ???
> --
> Peace,
> Thomas
Precise (if you're asking about that) .

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