12.04 LTS Ubuntu (desktop) Call for Topics

Jason Warner jason.warner at canonical.com
Mon Oct 3 01:13:16 UTC 2011

Hi all,

This is the call for discussion about Ubuntu desktop planning for the
12.04 LTS cycle. Here's the process I'd like to use.

1. Send a call for topics from the Ubuntu desktop community (this is it)

2. Have an exchange over irc and email on the ubuntu-desktop
channel/mailing list to discuss the requirements in depth. Email is
preferred to have a public record for all to see.

3. Produce a resulting UDS plan which summarizes the topics going
into UDS, and feeds into blueprints

4. Provide a final roadmap post-UDS

Note that I will be coordinating the collection of all requirements for
Ubuntu desktop, regardless of the team implementing the requirement. Here
is the schedule with some details.

= Today:  Request for Topics =
This email is the request for topics. Please send topics that you would
like the Ubuntu desktop team to consider for this cycle to the
**ubuntu-desktop** mailing list [1] with "[Desktop12.04-Topic]" in the
line. These are not specific requirements, but high-level ideas or concepts.

Though we will want hear about all of your needs, while compiling
requirements, it may be useful to keep in mind that some requirements
are easier for us to fulfill than others, e.g.
 * Choice of specific versions of upstream packages or applications
 * Choice of specific applications to deliver by default
 * Getting packages into Universe or Main
 * Writing modest glue code to enable new scenarios or to integrate
functionality from different packages
 * Moving code that you already wrote or are going to write into the
 * Integrating patches from upstream bug trackers or similar
 * Enhancing projects for which we are upstream (LightDM/Unity-Greeter,
Upstart, Ubiquity,

= Now through Oct 23rd - Requirements discussions held =
We will discuss topics in the ubuntu-desktop irc channel and mailing
list. The goal will be to identify and document specific requirements.

= Oct 24th - UDS Oneiric Topics Review =
The week before UDS we will present a plan. This is essentially
a review of what topics we have planned for further discussion at UDS.

= Oct 31st through Nov 4th - UDS =

= Approximately two weeks post UDS - 12.04 LTS Plan Review =
About two weeks after UDS, we will revise the UDS 12.04 Plan to
capture what was actually decided as the plan of record at UDS, and
present that information.

Thanks all.


[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-desktop
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