EOG vs Shotwell Viewer

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Mon Nov 21 21:28:32 UTC 2011

Le 19/11/2011 23:50, Owas Lone a écrit :
> Hi,
> Will EOG still be the default image viewer in Precise?
> I think shotwell viewer has matured enough to replace EOG. It has all
> the expected features and more + consistency for free:)
> So which will be the default image viewer for Precise?
> Thanks!
> --

Thank you for brining the topic, the issue there is to define "image", 
shotwell handles photos formats but not images ones (bmp, gif, etc). 
Would it be better to different formats with different viewers or would 
that be confusing for the users?

Sebastien Bacher

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