ubuntu lacks ideas, firefox is full of ideas

Jo-Erlend Schinstad joerlend.schinstad at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 20:31:30 UTC 2011

Den 19. nov. 2011 20:51, skrev Alexander:
> Sorry for the confusion. Anyway I don't understand your double negative:
>     This is something I've never been able to do in a desktop shell
>     before.
>     Can you give one example of a desktop task that cannot be
>     performed without a mouse?
>  What are you asking? I'm confused about /giving an example of a task 
> that cannot be performed without an object./

You claim that you have to move to 10.04 because you cannot use Unity 
because it focuses only on mouse use. My claim is that this is your 
claim. My claim is provable because the emails exist. I say that isn't 
true, and that we have a large array of keyboard shortcuts that is far 
beyond anything available in 10.04. This means that Unity is _less_ 
dependent on using the mouse than the thing you've switched to for that 

Not underestimating you, I ask if you have any concrete examples of 
things you can do with the keyboard in 10.04 that you cannot do in 
11.10. You are making the claim that this is so, which means the burden 
of evidence is on you. I tried to make it easy for you. If you can prove 
that Unity is less keyboard-friendly than the default shell and WM in 
10.04, then we will all learn and it'll get fixed. If you cannot, then 
your claim is false. This is the beauty of peer review.

Jo-Erlend Schinstad

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