ubuntu lacks ideas, firefox is full of ideas

Alexander rhettnaxel at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 23:11:57 UTC 2011

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Manish Sinha <manishsinha at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> >  I did not say "needs," distinct from implies.
> Okay how does it even imply heavy usage of mouse? Personal experiences
> don't make univeral truths. It just implies that the person has not tried
> finding the keyboard shortcuts
> > Manish you seem defensive rather than helpful.
> Sorry. I have stopped sugar coating my replies. I prefer being blunt and
> to the point.
> Unhelpful? Providng links to to developer.ubuntu.com is unhelpful? Or
> pointing out that the unity keyboard shortcut cheat sheet is available on
> askubuntu means being unhelpful? Then what is the meaning of helpful?
> > Make love not war
> I think the best way to make war is bringing *us* and *you* in the
> discussion. That is exactly what I opposed in my reply. Dunno which other
> war statement you referring to.
> -
> Manish
I apologize for the confusion. By unhelpful I refer to the tone of your
replies. Maybe blunt and to the point is your style, sorry. You're very
defensive, argumentative and coming off as belligerent.
Again, I'm sorry.

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