Default Music Player in Ubuntu 12.04

Bryce Harrington bryce at
Tue Nov 8 18:42:06 UTC 2011

On Wed, Nov 09, 2011 at 01:51:26AM +0800, Chow Loong Jin wrote:
> P.S. One thing I've found particularly annoying when working on Banshee bugs is
> the lack of a comment-crossposting-bridge thing between GNOME Bugzilla and
> Launchpad. As a result, I have had to relay (manually) all the requests for
> information from upstream, and back.

What I usually do is request the reporter subscribe to the upstream bug
report and follow up on requests.  It doesn't really make sense for any
of us to spend our time as cut-and-paste monkeys!

If the user never replies to request for info, after a month or so I
intervene and try to re-establish contact or find someone else to do the
testing; if that doesn't work, I assume the issue wasn't that pressing
after all and close out the bug.

> I recall seeing something of that sort for Freedesktop's Bugzilla sometime back,
> so why isn't it implemented for GNOME's?

Right, the Freedesktop bugzilla has the linkage, although I think it's
broken at the moment (I've not seen comments coming in through on my
upstreamed bugs for a while).

I understand that setting up each of these comment importers requires
some coordination between the Launchpad engineers and the maintainers of
the upstream bugzilla; there's a plugin that has to be added and enabled
on their end (which is why LP doesn't import comments across the board
on all bugzillas).  Also, particularly with larger bugzilla instances,
there can be integration issues and so on to iron out.

The launchpad guys say that GNOME had been on the todo list but they
didn't get it completed, and offhand didn't remember what the specific
blocker was in getting it set up.  If it is important let me know and I
can escalate it for the LP maintenance team to investigate further.


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