[Desktop12.04-Topic] Improve the Ubuntu upgrade experience

Steve Magoun steve.magoun at canonical.com
Tue Nov 1 20:29:23 UTC 2011

Canonical's Commerical Engineering team is discussing a similar topic, 
specifically focused on updating factory preloads of Ubuntu to the next 
version of Ubuntu:

We'll go over some of the challenges of upgrading preloaded systems and 
discuss solutions to those problems. I encourage people interested in 
upgrades to attend both sessions - many of the problems to be solved are the 
same or very similar.


On 11/01/2011 11:59 AM, Jeremy Bicha wrote:
> Blueprint:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-p-improve-upgrade-experience
> Discussion about things we can do this cycle to make update-manager
> "safer" and more useful. I put some starter ideas in the whiteboard.
> I apologize for the late submission. Thanks Jason for approving the topic!
> Jeremy Bicha

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