PiTiVi in Ubuntu 11.10 and beyond

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at ubuntu.com
Wed May 25 20:56:58 UTC 2011

On mer., 2011-05-25 at 14:26 -0400, Jeff Fortin wrote:
> Hello there,
> You may know me as one of the main contributors of the pitivi project.
> I
> do bug triaging, testing, community management, documentation writing,
> design, website maintenance, coding, etc.
> It has come to my attention that the desktop team has decided at UDS
> to
> remove Pitivi from the default selection of apps installed with
> Ubuntu.
> I would like to have a better understanding of what led to this
> decision, and hopefully revert it. 


We discussed some of the issues today on IRC, replying there as well
(but without arguing over each point raised in the email, there is some
valid complain in there but arguing over those will not only contribute
to drive the discussion off topic).

So the decision drivers where:
- the fact that pitivi didn't get any update during the previous cycle
- the fact that pitivi is still using libglade which is deprecated for
some years
- the opinion of the people in the room combined with the few user
reviews on s-c
- the fact that the CD space is a ressources we need to fight over every
cycle so we area reviewing for things to clean (though pitivi is quite
small in that regard)

The pitivi team just got a new version out with quite some nice changes
in it and said they would do the glade to gtkbuilder conversion this
cycle, that seems enough material to revisit the decision later if the
new version is proving to be solid and the gtkbuilder switch get done so
what people think of keeping pitivi on by default until before beta and
discuss what we do in a desktop team meeting then?

Sebastien Bacher

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