OpenShot instead of PiTiVi

sarvōdaya danny.piccirillo at
Tue Feb 15 22:15:39 UTC 2011

Oops, replying from my subscribed email address this time.

Yeah, OpenShot seems to be getting a lot of attention, but PiTiVi is doing a
much better job IMHO. Instead of trying to put out features first, they're
making sure they get the fundamentals right. In fact, I think I first
learned this from Jono:

'Part of the reason PiTiVi has taken so long to mature is that Edward has
been conscious to build PiTiVi “the right way” and ensure that the
underlying infrastructure that PiTiVi is built upon is mature and stable.'

I'm personally really excited about the next release of PiTiVi. It'll have
effects and transitions and all too:

In addition, PiTiVi's work will benefit other video editors that want to use
Gstreamer, that powerful framework that powers all of Ubuntu's multimedia.

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 23:37, Shane Fagan <shanepatrickfagan at>wrote:

> Hey Jono,
> I think someone mentioned it before but at the time it looked really bad
> and its a lot bigger than pitivi if I remember correctly since pitivi
> only needs a few libs on top of what we already have so on the disk its
> tiny. I suppose we could switch to openshot but since space is starting
> to dry up fast and we are trying to keep things small so we can fit Qt
> on the disk I dont know.
> --fagan
> On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 17:26 -0800, Jono Bacon wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Recently I have been using OpenShot with some good success. While there
> > are some crasher issues, it seems the app demonstrates a great feature
> > set and good meet the needs of our users well. It currently has 4/5 in
> > the Ubuntu Software Center.
> >
> > I wanted to check in and see if there has been any assessment of whether
> > OpenShot would be a better choice than PiTiVi for the CD? I suspect the
> > dependency chain is greater, which may cause disk space issues, but I
> > wasn't sure if anyone has had this discussion (maybe at a UDS?) before?
> >
> >       Jono
> >
> > --
> > Jono Bacon
> > Ubuntu Community Manager
> > jono(at)ubuntu(dot)com
> > :
> > :
> >
> >
> --
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> ubuntu-desktop at


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