gnome-media - is it still on the CD?

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Fri Dec 2 10:52:26 UTC 2011

Le 25/11/2011 13:47, David Henningsson a écrit :
> First, since oneiric, the audio mixer has moved to 
> gnome-control-center / gnome-system-settings (but the description has 
> not been updated), but anyway, do we still ship it on the CD? If so, 
> maybe it makes sense to remove it from the CD? I don't know if 
> gnome-sound-recorder is that used much anyway, and I assume the 
> gstreamer properties applet is very rarely used.
> Not that it's that many bytes, but I guess every byte counts, right? :-) 

Hi David,

Thanks for your email, thanks for pointing that the description is 
wrong, it does need to be updated indeed ;-)

We still ship it on the CD for gnome-sound-recorder, it's hard to 
estimate the number of users using it but judging by the bugs reports we 
got over the cycles it's quite some users, there is visibly a need for 
people out there to record audio in an easy way ;-)

The space use is very low, the deb takes 116k on i386 so it's probably 
not worth dropping it for now since I don't think we have anything else 
in the default installation that would let people do recording.

Sebastien Bacher

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