Default Desktop Experience for 11.04 - User testing results

IKT noname420 at
Tue Apr 19 20:06:00 UTC 2011

because screen is hard mode.

On 20 April 2011 05:07, Jeremy Bicha <jeremy at> wrote:

> On 19 April 2011 15:13, Jan Claeys <lists at> wrote:
> > Matthew Paul Thomas schreef op di 19-04-2011 om 15:55 [+0100]:
> >> *   The object of the study was, obviously, not to measure crashes.
> >>     Crashes are usually quick to find and fix, so any user test of those
> >>     would be weeks out of date when published. I mentioned them only as
> >>     a reminder that to users, bugs are indistinguishable from design
> >>     flaws, and vice versa. (For example, one test participant pressed
> >>     Ctrl Alt F1 apparently by accident, and ended up at a console. This
> >>     wasn't a crash, but it had exactly the same effect as one.)
> >
> > Maybe we need to add a line of text above the login prompt somehow, that
> > tells the user what key to press to get back to their GUI?  (This might
> > be difficult to do correctly with multiple logins etc. though?)
> We could do like Fedora and have X on virtual terminal 1. Why do we
> need 6 virtual terminals anyway?
> Jeremy
> --
> ubuntu-desktop mailing list
> ubuntu-desktop at
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