[Oneiric-Topic] GTK3/GNOME3

Krzysztof Klimonda kklimonda at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 7 09:22:59 UTC 2011

On Thu, 2011-04-07 at 09:59 +0200, Martin Pitt wrote:
> Hello all,


> kind of obvious topic, but next cycle we'll need to move to GTK3 and
> GNOME3. Aside from the obvious "update the package versions", I see
> the following particular challenges:
>  * Review our patches, and be rather aggressive about removing those
>    which are intrusive and which we have carried for ages without
>    upstream acceptance. Of course there are also still patches which
>    we haven't even proposed upstream, these should be discussed in
>    bugzilla.gnome.org.

Hmm.. I'd like to propose bringing back the idea of the Stracciatella
session, and making it possible to get both GNOME3 and Gtk+3
applications to look and behave as close as possible to what users get
in other distributions. [1] I know it's not a new idea, but I think we
should revise it for GNOME3 if we manage to replace classic GNOME with
Unity 2D in Oneiric.

[1] Right now I'm thinking mostly of replacing the libappindicator
GtkStatusIcon fallback menu with the original menu used by the
application. With Ubuntu moving to Unity only two sessions - unity and
unity-2d - are going to support solely indicators in the default
configuration. But it would also mean disabling overlay scrollbars for
non-Unity sessions.

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