Update on the Featured Applications for Maverick

Jorge O. Castro jorge at ubuntu.com
Mon Sep 27 17:02:06 BST 2010

Hi everyone,


So last week before the freeze mvo asked me if we were set to go on
the Featured Apps. At the time the list was PDFMod, Armagetron
Advanced, and Calibre. Having used all three of these extensively I
felt this was a great choice of apps. There was a discussion about
whether we should be switching apps around, etc. and I think that
would be a better discussion for UDS, as both ideas have their merits
and disadvantages and there didn't seem to be a clear consensus. So I
told mvo to go with those three for Maverick.

Today I found some new applications listed: mypaint, phatch, gramps,
and tuxpaint.

So the first thing we need to fix in this process:
 * Make a deadline obvious to everyone so that we have a clear idea of
when they can submit apps.

So for Natty I am thinking this is the best way to go:

 * Alpha 2 - Open up the wiki page for submissions
 * Alpha 3 - Add the applications we've agreed on as Featured Applications
 * Beta - Final List (removing ones we've decided aren't appropriate
or perhaps adding one last minute if it's awesome)

Even though the list of apps are data and a low-risk fix I think
having them ready by Beta is the best thing to do instead of late in
the cycle.

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
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