Sporadic UI halts on Meerkat Netbook - how to debug

Mikko Ohtamaa mikko at redinnovation.com
Mon Oct 4 19:42:54 BST 2010


I am trying Maverick Meerkat Netbook remix on Asus 1005HA Eee Pc. I like it.
Finally the Linux desktop is going to right direction.

However, I am having some "slowdown" issues. Once in a while (...or many
times during an hour) everything besides the mouse cursor in the user
interface halts. The text cursor stops blinking (no matter what
application). I suspect this might have something to do with disk IO as the
netbook has very slow disk and I have encrypted home folder. Each halts last
5-10 seconds and since they happen often they hit hard the overall user
experience. Basic tasks like editing the text on the computer become pain.

I have some background tasks running (Skype, Quassel), but it should be
nothing killing the performance. Windows XP can handle things just fine.

Now, my question is, how to debug these "halt" or "stop" issues. I suspect
if I could get history graph of CPU and IO per application level it would
help greatly. Also, the problem might be in kernel services (disk io,
OpenGL, sound?) .

Mikko Ohtamaa
mFabrik - Freedom Delivered.

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