Remove screen from the Desktop CD?

Martin Pitt martin.pitt at
Tue Nov 16 08:21:09 GMT 2010

Hello Robbie,

cc'ing ubuntu-desktop@ for some wider input.

Robbie Williamson [2010-11-15 22:49 -0600]:
> Can we remove 'screen' from the Desktop CD?  I don't see a reason to
> have it (or byobu, which is a recommends) on the Desktop by
> default...and we save around 680K :).  Thoughts?

byobu is definitively overkill for a desktop installation, indeed.
I love screen on servers as well, it's a must for ssh connections, but
indeed I see little benefit for it on a normal desktop box. And with
command-not-found, it's easy to discover, too.

So from my POV it'd be okay to drop.


Martin Pitt                        |
Ubuntu Developer (  | Debian Developer  (

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