LibreOffice project: request for contributors and mentoring

Shane Fagan shanepatrickfagan at
Wed Nov 10 08:51:41 GMT 2010

Hey David,

Im sure there would be volunteers from the ubuntu-art team you should
forward it over there. 


On Wed, 2010-11-10 at 16:35 +0800, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi, :-)
> I'm a member of the LibreOffice community. LibreOffice (LibO) is the
> office suite project of The Document Foundation (TDF), the
> community-driven organization that recently forked from the
> Oracle-managed project.
> TDF/LibO is currently working on its branding and on its artwork for
> the LibreOffice distribution. We are currently very short of GRAPHIC
> Notably, right now, we urgently need creative talent to help us design
> artwork for our websites. We need to develop a logo, and - hopefully -
> a MASCOT along the lines of Linux's Tux, to act as a "living"
> ambassador that achieves lasting recognition of our brand and products
> in people's minds.
> But we also need talent to work on icon sets and other artwork on an
> ongoing basis.
> A number of Linux distributions have announced their intention to ship
> LibreOffice with their future releases. We know that they frequently
> do re-branding work to integrate their chosen office suite in lines
> with their project's thinking.
> So we are keen to involve you in our project branding and development,
> so that we ship releases that better fit your needs.
> LibreOffice and The Document Foundation could also benefit from
> MENTORING and from close and ongoing involvement from established
> Linux projects, especially in these early days when we are developing
> our infrastructure and organization.
> Like you, we passionately value and believe in Free Open Source
> software (FOSS).
> We very much ask you to get involved in our project and influence our
> development. We seek your comments and advice and contributions. For
> this, below you will find a number of links as a starting point:
> Useful links
> =======
> LibreOffice marketing mailing list: marketing+subscribe at
> The Document Foundation general discussions mailing list:
> discuss+subscribe at
> LibreOffice developers mailing list:
> TDF steering committee discussions mailing list:
> steering-discuss+subscribe at
> LibreOffice user support mailing list: users+subscribe at
> Our Nabble gateway for easy mailing list browsing:
> The Document Foundation contacts page:
> Mail address distributing to all TDF press and media contacts:
> info at
> LibreOffice dedicated IRC channel: #libreoffice at
> TDF dedicated IRC channel: #documentfoundation at
> Follow TDF via @docufoundation on Twitter:
> Follow TDF via @docufoundation on
> Visit the TDF website:
> Pages showing our work in progress
> =====================
> Plus, of course, if necessary, you can contact me, too, at the address
> from which this mail was sent, or via this mailing list.
> Thank you for your time reading this message. Thank you, also, for
> your own valuable work in bringing the world Open Source software.
> David Nelson

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