Review of featured applications
Robert Ancell
robert.ancell at
Fri Mar 26 02:55:57 GMT 2010
I've opened a bug to request the following changes:
- Remove Eclipse
- Huge download
- Only supports Java out of the box
- The Eclipse brand is strong enough that it doesn't need promoting
- Replace chromium-bsu with tumiki-fighters
- chromium has poor performance on non-3D accelerated hardware
- Add tuxpaint
- We don't currently have any applications for children
- Very well established project
- Those whose children use it describe it as a killer app
On 26/03/10 13:52, Arand Nash wrote:
> Robert Ancell wrote:
>> On 26/03/10 13:16, Arand Nash wrote:
>>> On Mon, 2010-03-01 at 18:04 +1100, Robert Ancell wrote:
>>>> I also wanted to pick one FPS but they all seemed difficult to use.
>>>> The problems seemed to be similar:
>>>> * Huge downloads
>>>> * Opening and choosing first menu (e.g. "single player") often
>>>> didn't work, there were no bots
>>>> * Very slow load times
>>>> (...)
>>> I've tested both openarena and nexuiz.
>>> And the only issue there is the indeed huge downloads (oa ~300MB nx
>>> ~900MB)
>>> They are in my opinion very straigtforward, 2-3 clicks and you're in a
>>> singleplayer game with fully functional bots.
>>> Both games also has a singleplayer "campaign" in the form of consecutive
>>> unlockable skirmish-levels.
>> Interesting. Did you install them through the software center? Did you
>> install any additional packages?
> Nope, this was straight out of the USC
>>> However, what might speak against them is the ~18 rating that any of
>>> these games would have if sold in stores, due to their violent and
>>> meatpieces-flying-gory nature.
>> I'd agree.
>>>> I installed Saurbraten and the ground didn't render.
>>> Sauerbraten has a very unfinished touch yes, which probably makes it
>>> unsuitable for featuring. But I have ran it countless times without
>>> seeing that issue.
>> It's probably a driver issue but I have a fairly standard Dell Studio
>> laptop with an ATI card so I wouldn't expect any major issues. (I have
>> been running alpha software so it may work for me in Lucid final).
> I'm on a Dell with nvidia here (xps1530& 8600gt), so the discrepancy
> might be there. Yours would presumably be a fairly common setup so
> presumably good grounds for rejection though.
>> (...)
> - Arand
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