Review of featured applications

Robert Ancell robert.ancell at
Mon Mar 1 22:40:46 GMT 2010

> - I didn't know at all moovida, it seems to be pretty good (see the
> tabular, even if it's in French, should be self-explanatory:
> I think the lack of browser
> support compared to the very popular mythtv is ok on a desktop, so
> fine (not on a media center server).
I'm really impressed how good Moovida is now.  It always used to be 
really buggy (probably due to being in the early days of clutter) but it 
ran really reliably when I tried it.  And it's really lightweight 
compared to the others.
> - if you put some kind of gnome-do there for fast keyboard access, I
> think their should be some complaints about "why gnome-do and not a
> dock?". So we should maybe include on of both kind or none?
I don't use these tools so I don't know.  GNOME Do is talked about a lot 
>> I also wanted to pick one FPS but they all seemed difficult to use.  The
>> problems seemed to be similar:
>> Huge downloads
>> Opening and choosing first menu (e.g. "single player") often didn't work,
>> there were no bots
>> Very slow load times
> Right, from my research (1 year and half ago), we don't have any FPS
> with bots by default. We should download some bots and install them
> manually we don't find the Featured goal. There are a lot of very good
> multiplayer FPS (even if I'm not fan of those games), so, if we want
> to include one of them, I'll go for Nexuiz or Tremulous.
Haven't tried tremulous, will install it.  The thing that really 
dissapointed me about a lot of these FPSs was they all seem to be Quake 
3 but all optimised for network play.  The other menu options don't seem 
to be well finished/working which makes them feel incomplete.
>> gramps (genealogy, niche?)
> right niche, but the reference on GNU/Linux. It just depends how we
> want the list to be long to :)
Sure.  It was hovering at the top of the B-list for me :)
>> yofrankie (3d platform, no clear objectives - boring!)
> This game has been pretty popular when it was out and I think we
> should really include it in the first link. For those not aware, it's
> the game from the blender fundation which released this game some
> weeks after "big buck bunny". The game is short, but it shows that you
> can do some nice 3D effects on GNU/Linux
I was really disappointed when I tried it!  I'd never got it working due 
to the 3D requirement (yay now for Lucid graphics drivers!) but my 
impressions were:
Ran it - really professional looking menu, nice starting world to choose 
which level.  Walk into first level.  Not obvious what to do.  Walk 
around a bit, nowhere much to go, just a few creatures running around 
which you can kill, but no reason why to do. Some textures seem to be 
missing.  It feels like it has all the graphics but no gameplay.  I 
think Yo Frankie 2 is what we want...
>> miro (media player, don't see the value over totem+websites)
> It's approximately the same than if you say "I don't see the added
> value to an RSS reader VS firefox + going over all my blogs/planet". I
> completely disagree for that one.
Is it applicable to a wide audience?

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