Desktop annoyance #2: Everything is very very slow after any package upgrade

David A. Cobb superbiskit at
Fri Feb 5 16:07:17 GMT 2010

  Again, recall I have "only" 256MiB real memory.

Because of another problem, I can only do software upgrades from 
"Recovery Mode" -- single user console.  If I try it while Gnome is 
running, the network speed is cut to around 1/60 of the speed I get from 
the console.  I can't wait for two days to download the update packages.

Anyway, when I reboot after an upgrade, it takes around 5 Minutes(!) to 
get the GDM login screen, and I have timed the system from the password 
entry to a functioning desktop at up to 15 Minutes.  Yes, I can get up 
and brew a pot of coffee, and drink my first cup, before I can use the 

As a user experience, this just sucks!  And it doesn't help to have my 
dear wife looking over my shoulder and saying "Shirley doesn't have this 
problem with her Windows program!"  (of course, Shirley also has a 2GiB 

We are, supposedly, maturing to the point that Linux is a viable desktop 
for average users, not just 'puter-geeks like me.

David A. Cobb -- computing t-rex

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