Congrats on karmic, looking forward lucid

Bryan Quigley gquigs at
Thu Nov 5 18:07:08 GMT 2009

> > Sebastien Bacher [2009-11-02 14:45 +0100]:
> > > Karmic has seen lot of technologies changes (new gdm codebase,
> > > pulseaudio required by GNOME, empathy by default, devicekit-disks and
> > > devicekit-power used in GNOME, etc) so it was expected it would have
> > > some rough edges.
> >
> > Indeed, with so many things that changed it's a miracle that it works
> > in the first place. In retrospect I think we should have announced it
> > differently, as a "tech preview" release, and not recommend everyone
> > to upgrade..
> Is it too late to add this ['tech preview'] or some other warning, to
> the release notes or help wiki... or somewhere?
> I realize , its nearly a week after the release , but atleast the newer
> users might be be forewarned. Right-now they are just blind-sided , and
> they seem let down when things dont work.

I might just be missing something as I haven't deployed 9.10 that
widely yet, but on the few machines I have tried it is working great.
This is the first release I haven't torn out pulseaudio to make sound
work reliably (sure it might actually be alsa's fault all along but I
really don't care).   This has also been my best release when it comes
to suspend/resume so far.. The disk utility has already saved several
of my users from possible data as it alerted me that the disk was

Empathy is much more limiting than I initially thought, and far less
useful than promised. Maybe when telepathy is actually used by
anything else it will become useful (though I still don't understand
why we couldn't just make a pidgin plugin to enable telepathy
support).  However I haven't encountered any stability issues with it
('cept for voice/video which is the same in pidgin)

There are a lot of preview technologies you can try... like
gnome-shell and moblin.  We didn't include either of them by default,
neither did we include stuff like ATI KMS or Nouveau KMS by default.

Maybe, I'm just being to optimistic but I plan on starting to roll out
Karmic to my users later next week.  I'll let you all know if I fail

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