Nautilus scripts

Pietro Battiston toobaz at
Wed Dec 16 20:03:20 GMT 2009

Il giorno mar, 15/12/2009 alle 15.38 +0100, Pietro Battiston ha scritto:
> Hello,
> [...]
> That's why I created my nautilus-scripts-manager ([2], notice the "s" in
> "scripts"), which is now in the NEW queue, waiting to enter Debian.

Just for the records, it's now in sid.

I'd appreciate any comment on the problem. Since my former email was
probably too long, here is a synthesis of it:
- nautilus-script-manager, in Ubuntu, assumes that system-wide nautilus
scripts live in /usr/share/nautilus-scripts, but this doesn't seem to be
based on any prior discussion
- I wrote nautilus-scripts-manager (which will presumably be in Lucid -
notice the "s" in "scripts") starting from the same assumption
- is this Good™?

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