Solang or Shotwell vs. F-Spot for Lucid

Wouter Stomp wouterstomp at
Tue Dec 8 12:04:10 GMT 2009

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Sebastien Bacher <seb128 at> wrote:

> Did anybody looked at how those other software handle exporting to
> flick, picasa or other web services?

For Shotwell uploading to Flickr and Facebook is planned for 0.4 which
is to be released in December. Picasa is planned for a later version.
Btw. an important feature missing from all available programs is
uploading to online print services.

A list of all planned features is here:

An (incomplete) comparison of photo managers is on their wiki:

Solang also has exporting to webservices on the todo list, but they
also have more extensive plans: acting as a front-end to them, as a
photo manager for both your photos on the desktop and in the cloud.



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